Day :
Keynote Forum
Marie Michelle R Fortifaes-Ibarrola
Dr Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, Philippines
Keynote: Effectiveness of kangaroo mother care (KMC) among low birthweight (LBW) newborns on nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (nippv) versus low birthweight newborns on nippv under open care system: A randomized controlled trial
Time : 09:45 - 10:30

Dr. Marie Michelle R. Fortifaes-Ibarrola finished her Fellowship training on Newborn Medicine at Dr. Jose Fabella Hospital; presently she is the Head of the Mother and Child Care Unit of Bulacan Medical Center, a local government hospital in the region and Head of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the ACE group of Doctors. She used to present researches in International Convention (Australia) as well as in local Conventions (Cebu, Manila).
Premature and LBW infants comprise most of the deliveries in the Philippines. KMC is beneficial in terms of physiological stability, milk production, bonding and decreased susceptibility to infections. NIPPV is used for infants to decrease the work of breathing and avoid further lung injury. Prospective RCT conducted in NICU (May 2016 to May 2017).100 infants weighing 1500-2500 grams with APGAR of >5 at 1 minute of life, placed on NIPPV were randomly assigned fifty subjects on each group. To determine the effect of KMC on the outcome among LBW newborns on NIPPV compared to LBW infants on NIPPV under Open Care System. Physiologic parameters, duration of NIPPV use, length of hospital stay, mortality and adverse events were assessed and evaluated using percentage-frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, T-test, Chi-square test and measure of association. During KMC, temperature increased by 0.2oC while post-KMC measurements showed that respiratory rate increased by 1.52 breaths per minute, temperature increased by 0.13oC and oxygen saturations decreased by 0.8%. In KC group, the duration of oxygen support was longer, length of NICU stay as well as length of hospital stay was shorter and with less mortalities. The newborns in the KC group had lower risk to develop late onset sepsis, hypothermia, tachycardia and death. KMC had no significant effect on the physiologic parameters of infants on NIPPV. The incidences of adverse outcomes were lower in the KC group which showed that KMC can be done on infants on NIPPV without causing any harm.